Monthly Archives: September 2009

Kaddish – Music as Prayer


Jewish Cemetary in Krakow Jewish Cemetary in Krakow

The first time I heard the Kaddish, it struck me very deeply. I did not understand the language; I did not know what it was about. All I know is that it was the most beautiful melody I had ever heard. That opening phrase with its flattened second note of the scale was absolutely hypnotic. The language I did not know: strange and earthy. When it built to its climax, I was swept with it.

Ritualistic and from the depths of the soul, the [read more…]

Kaddish – Music as Prayer2009-09-22T12:52:16+02:00

Avinu Malkeinu – The voice that demands to be heard


Avinu torah8hu My first encounter with the Jewish prayer Avinu Malkeinu was in the now famous version sung by Barbra Streissand on her album “Higher Ground”. Form the warm opening strains on the cello I knew I was in for something special. When she started singing in a hushed, reverent voice I was captivated. As the song rose to its climax, I had very intense emotional responses. I had no idea what the song was about. But it was clear that it was from the depths of the soul and [read more…]

Avinu Malkeinu – The voice that demands to be heard2009-09-21T10:25:39+02:00

Kol Nidrei – Music Infused with Memory


chagall_praying_jew443x591“A crowd of people slowly streams into the synagogue. Inside the sanctuary, the lights are dimmed to reflect the sun setting outside. A hush falls over the congregation as the clergy, robed in white, open the ark to reveal the white-cloaked Torah scrolls. The rabbi gently hands each scroll to a member of the congregation. Everyone on the bimah turns to face the community. And the cantor begins to sing. The melody is at once familiar, soothing, and chilling. As the music gradually builds, the distance between the current moment and [read more…]

Kol Nidrei – Music Infused with Memory2009-09-20T13:15:49+02:00
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