Broadway, Baby! – Montagu Sunset Concert 21 Jan

The first of the Annual Sunset Concerts will be held in the Montagu Nature Garden, van Riebeeck Street, Montagu at 5.00 pm for 5.30 pm on Saturday 21 January and will feature the talented trio of singers Amy Campbell and Kurt Haupt and pianist Albert Combrink. They will be singing songs from some of the best musical theatre in recent times.

The tickets at R100 for adults are available from Andrea Cook (023 614 3178) and Peter Harris (023 614 3845).
Please bring your picnic. Chairs are available.

Read more about the Montagu Music Society.

Amy Campbell

Vocalist Amy Campbell


Kurt Haupt

Vocalist Kurt Haupt


Albert Combrink

Pianist Albert Combrink

Find the event on FACEBOOK

Montagu Nature Garden

Montagu Nature Garden

Montagu Nature Garden

 ‘Where mountains rise, eagles soar, tortoises trundle and nature astounds with its beauty and grandeur.’

Our mission: To preserve and develop an indigenous wild flower garden with plant species representative of those in the Klein Karoo and marginal Fynbos biogeoghraphical zone.

The Montagu Nature Garden was established in 1954, the year in which the village of Montagu celebrated its centenary. In 1961 the garden was proclaimed a Nature Reserve and placed in the care of the Montagu Municipality. Currently the Montagu Nature Garden Association ‘leases’ the Nature Garden on a long-term basis. The association is also a member of the Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA)

Photo: Andries Jordaan

Photo: Andries Jordaan

Montagu Nature garden is situated in the most southerly part of the succulent Karoo biome. It has the distinction therefore of having flora of 3 regions of the Western Cape – succulent karoo, fynbos and renoster veld. There are numerous species of succulents, fynbos, geophytes and a diversity of flowering shrubs and trees occur here. The garden is especially known for the excellent variety of Vygies (mesembryathemums), which sets the garden ablaze with colour during spring.

A 1.7km circular walking trail within the garden includes a fairly easy climb with benches at strategic intervals. From the top of Bessiekop, magnificent panoramic views of the town and the Cape Folded Mountains can be seen. Bloupunt, one of the highest peaks in the area rises in the distance. One is sure to come across a geometric tortoise, a dassie midden and sunbirds enjoying the variety of aloes on the hillside. The dam, stream and intermittent areas of fast flowing water at the bottom of the hill provide a welcome break after the walk. The area is planted with lawn and benches are placed along the stream.Tea and eats are served every Tuesday morning from 10am until 11.30am from April until end October.
Parking for the elderly is available in the garden on these days, or by arrangement.For further information and a brochure please contact the Montagu Information Office. Tel. (023) 614 2471
Christopher at (023) 614 3565
