Rose Red Poster ALbert Combrink Dianne Simpson Rose Red

Cabaret | Run­ning Time: 60 mins Cre­ated by Dianne Simp­son & Pieter Bosch Botha | Directed by Pieter Bosch Botha | Writ­ten and Per­formed by Dianne Simp­son | Musi­cal Direc­tion by Dawid Boverhoff / Piano Accompaniment by Albert Combrink
t1 AlexanderCPTLogo
Rose Red is the well-known fairy tale of Snow White turned on its head, as told through the eyes of the Evil Queen. Aimed at adults, this musi­cal pro­duc­tion is a wickedly fun, orig­i­nal and mov­ing take on her story. It is clev­erly woven together with light-hearted com­edy and pop­u­lar songs from Tori Amos, Annie Lennox and Brandi Carlile to Lady Gaga. This highly acclaimed per­for­mance by Dianne Simp­son has been hailed as “a first-class performance…with per­fect tim­ing and often very funny asides…an hour of finely honed enter­tain­ment that touches the heart”.

The show is directed and pro­duced by Pieter Bosch Botha, who was most recently seen in the crit­i­cally acclaimed “Fully Com­mit­ted” and Nicholas Spagnoletti’s “Civil Part­ing”. Musi­cal direc­tion is by the inim­itable and multi-talented com­poser and musi­cian, Dawid Bover­hoff. Pianist for the run is well-known Cape Town pianist and cross-over artist, Albert Combrink.

Dianne Simpson

Dianne Simpson

“Simp­son is mag­nif­i­cent, giv­ing a flaw­less per­for­mance as the queen…” – Les­ley Stones, The Daily Mav­er­ick

Dianne Simpson

Dianne Simpson

“fascinating…fresh and enter­tain­ing.” – Christina Kennedy, Busi­ness Day

Esthie Hugo on Sound and Lighting

Esthie Hugo on Sound and Lighting

“a lay­ered, thought-provoking, witty and ulti­mately (and unex­pect­edly) mov­ing exam­i­na­tion of a well– known and much-maligned lit­er­ary character…cleverly con­structed stuff that never set­tles for the obvi­ous, play­ing for laughs out­let (although there are many very funny moments).” – Bruce Den­nill, The Cit­i­zen a2 “a touch of mad bril­liance” — a4 “a treat.…Simpson’s Queen has got more edge.….a lot of fun.…a deli­ciously dark romp” — Cape Times

Dianne Simpson backstage at Alexander Bar

Dianne Simpson backstage at Alexander Bar

“Rose Red packs as much laugh­ter in the punch­lines as you’d prob­a­bly find in a pro­duc­tion for kids. Light and dark­ness as a metaphor for life is used quite bril­liantly. …really funny… Pow­er­ful.” — Cape Argus

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall...": Dianne Simpson backstage at Alexander Bar

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…”: Dianne Simpson backstage at Alexander Bar

“Dianne Simp­son was captivating….faultless” — City Press   b2 * * * * “the com­bined tal­ent of the three peo­ple involved adds pow­er­ful punch to this shin­ing gem…sharp and witty…it’s the kind of show that has you smil­ing through­out.” – Diane de Beer, The Star Tonight

"Once upon a time,  long long time ago..."

“Once upon a time, long long time ago…”


"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..."

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…”

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." - Cracked reflections

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…” – Cracked reflections

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." Broken Circles

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…” Broken Circles

Dwarf Chair and rusting circle 1

Dwarf Chair and rusting circle 1

Dwarf Chair and rusting circle 2

Dwarf Chair and rusting circle 2

Estie Hugo on Sound and Lighting

Estie Hugo on Sound and Lighting

Red Leaf f2

"in a kingdom far, far away..."

“in a kingdom far, far away…”

g1 review Rose Red

Diannes Simpson, Albert Combrink, Mikkie-Dene Le Roux, Louise Howlett

Diannes Simpson, Albert Combrink, Mikkie-Dene Le Roux, Louise Howlett