Piano repertoire

Für Alina (Arvo Pärt) – The soul yearns to sing it endlessly


Für Alina (Arvo Pärt) – The soul yearns to sing it endlessly – Sounds simultaneously static and in flux

Für Alina is a work for piano composed in 1976 by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. It can be considered as an essential work of his tintinnabuli style.


  • Pärt refers to his current style as “tintinnabuli.”  This can be defined as the application of various inversions of a certain chord. Also, it is a word “which evokes the pealing of bells, the bells’ complex but rich sonorous mass of [read more…]
Für Alina (Arvo Pärt) – The soul yearns to sing it endlessly2013-02-20T21:00:41+02:00

Wagner’s Liebestod transcribed for piano – Not Lost In Translation


While I was preparing my first performance of Wagner's "Liebestod" in Liszt's transcription for piano, I studied various other transcriptions. Using the painter Goya's etchings of the works of Velázquez as a metaphor, I explore how the different transcriptions say as much about the transcribers as it does about the original.

Wagner’s Liebestod transcribed for piano – Not Lost In Translation2009-11-12T07:33:39+02:00

Amores, Amores: Filipa van Eck and Albert Combrink perform Latin American music by Alvarez and others


amores IMG_5549Following our successful trip to Mozambique presenting Portuguese language music, Filipa and I have extended the Villa-Lobos portion of the programme to include a broad spectrum of Latin American gems. Amongst music from Cuba, Brazil and Argentina, the strains of Spain and Portugal are weaved in, reflecting not only their erstwhile colonial power and influence, but also the roots of the music from Latin America.

Our programme includes the famous and very popular “La Partida” (The Farewell) by Marcello Alvarez (1833?-1898). This beautiful song shows off the dramatic and vocal range of [read more…]

Amores, Amores: Filipa van Eck and Albert Combrink perform Latin American music by Alvarez and others2009-08-14T21:03:09+02:00

Villa-Lobos: Ciclo Brasileiro for Piano


One often reads about the Brazilian rhyhms, Indian folk melodies and other "exotic" elements in the music of Villa-Lobos. It would however be to underestimate the composer to view him as a quaint colourist. His works reflect depth of study and an immersion in contemporary compositional techniques. Cilco Brasileiro was a challenge for me to learn, but what a pleasure to perform!

Villa-Lobos: Ciclo Brasileiro for Piano2009-07-12T17:48:03+02:00
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