Memorable Melodies

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Your hosts, Thomas and Andries from Cottage Concerts, invites you to a house concert in aid of the Northern Free State Caregivers. These angels render services related to Cancer, TB and HIV within the Kroonstad community.   The cost to give asstisance to one household is approximately R14,000 per month.  They rely purely on volunteers and donations to render this amazing servcie to the community. Under the current COVID-19 pandemic, they are not allowed to do their normal fund raising events and urgently need financial support. The programme of memorable moments in music will be brought from Cape Town and Pretoria. The Trio de Musique will perform at Cottage Concert’s home in Cape Town, and a vocal performance will be brought by Estie Powell from Pretoria.  Renditions of some songs like La vie en rose, Afrikaans songs as well as an original song by Estie can be expected. Tickets are donation based. Further donations can be made during the show by using an online QR code. Please help us support this organisation to continue with their unconditional work of love.  For more information, visit

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