Bellville Civic Center

Cantabile: Albert Combrink in Recital – Bellville Civic Center 22 Jan 2014, 10:30 am


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The human voice was probably the first musical “instrument” used by humans. Next would have followed percussion instruments as rocks and sticks were smacked together, then possibly came bowed music, as bows and arrows were explored. At their heart, all musical instruments imitate the voice. Musicians are encouraged to create a “singing tone” or, “cantabile” sound. Yet what does that mean for a pianist who plays an instrument made of wood and steel and hammers that hit metal strings? In his upcoming recital series “Cantabile”, Cape Town pianist Albert [read more…]

Cantabile: Albert Combrink in Recital – Bellville Civic Center 22 Jan 2014, 10:30 am2013-12-19T10:28:22+02:00

Photos: Matthew Reid & the Playing with Fire Band: Bellville Civic 20 Nov 2013


Matthew Reid & the Playing with Fire Band

Matthew Victor Reid, Ivor Joffe, Charles Lazar, Gus Warden, Albert Combrink, Jamey Uranovsky

Bellville Civic Center: 20 November 2013

Playing with Fire website HERE.


Albert Combrink, Matthew Reid, Ivor Joffe, Jayme Uranovsky Albert Combrink, Matthew Reid, Ivor Joffe, Jayme Uranovsky

Matthew Reid Matthew Reid

Matthew Reid Matthew Reid

3 steinway 4 <a href= [read more…]

Photos: Matthew Reid & the Playing with Fire Band: Bellville Civic 20 Nov 20132013-11-21T11:47:29+02:00
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