Photos: Rossini – Petite Messe Solennelle 15 June 2014


Petite Messe Solennelle” by Rossini

Sunday, 15 June 2014, at 5.00pm

St. John’s Church, St. John’s Road, Wynberg

Conducted by
Alexander Fokkens

Pianist – Albert Combrink
Organist – Erik Dippennaar

Bass – Martin Mkhize
Tenor – Willem Bester
Mezzo-Soprano – Bongiwe Nakani
– Nomsa Mpofu

z Albert Combrink Rossini Mass St John's  Choir aPG (1)The Symphony Choir of Cape Town

z Albert Combrink Rossini Mass St John's  Choir aPG (2)

An unusual work for Choir, Soloists, Two Pianos and Harmonium, was first first performed at the dedication (14 March 1864) of [read more…]