Michael Head

Star Candles (Michael Head)



Star Candles (1942) – Music: Michael Head (1900-1976) /Text: Margaret Rose (1936)

Margaret Rose (died 1958) wrote the words of Star Candles (1942). The poem refers to the constellation ‘The Southern Cross’, which in South Africa is also known as ‘Star Candles’, following an old belief that each of the five pointers denotes a gift to the Christ Child. Head responds with a beguiling melody.  [from notes on Hyperion Records by Andrew Burn © 2012]

Star Candles (Head): The opening 5 bars sets <a href= [read more…]

Star Candles (Michael Head)2013-05-15T17:13:07+02:00

Slumber Song of the Madonna (Michael Head)



An Artsong about Christmas, but deffinitely not a Christmas Carol, Michael Head’s “Slumbersong of the Madonna” is an unexpectedly effective portrait of the human side of Mary, a mother tending to her little baby at bedtime. She calls him her baby and her King, and admits not being sure how to handle the balance of both the holy and maternal responsibility for the baby Jesus. The rocking triplets paint a picture of the young mother singing the baby to sleep, while unsettled harmonies reveal her sense of premonition. “Why should my [read more…]

Slumber Song of the Madonna (Michael Head)2013-05-14T19:12:17+02:00

Heaven & Earth / Hemel & Aarde: Louise Howlett & Albert Combrink 19 May 2013


“Heaven and Earth” is the latest production by the multi-faceted duo of soprano Louise Howlett and pianist Albert Combrink, and premiered earlier this year at the Woordfees. The programme will tell the stories of sacred love to earthy desire through classical arias, songs and Broadway ballads from around the world – proving the greatest language of love is music.

Louise Howlett (sopraan) en Albert Combrink (klavier)

Hierdie jongste produksie deur die veelfasettige duo vertel verhale van heilige liefde en aardse romanse deur klassieke arias, liedere en Broadway-ballades van regoor die wêreld. Dit bewys nogmaals dat musiek die grootste taal van die liefde [read more…]

Heaven & Earth / Hemel & Aarde: Louise Howlett & Albert Combrink 19 May 20132013-04-09T19:12:55+02:00
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