Montagu Music Society

Broadway, Baby! – Montagu Sunset Concert 21 January 17:30


Broadway, Baby! – Montagu Sunset Concert 21 Jan

The first of the Annual Sunset Concerts will be held in the Montagu Nature Garden, van Riebeeck Street, Montagu at 5.00 pm for 5.30 pm on Saturday 21 January and will feature the talented trio of singers Amy Campbell and Kurt Haupt and pianist Albert Combrink. They will be singing songs from some of the best musical theatre in recent times.

The tickets at R100 for adults are available from Andrea Cook (023 614 3178) and Peter Harris (023 614 [read more…]

Broadway, Baby! – Montagu Sunset Concert 21 January 17:302016-12-19T15:38:20+02:00

Music of the Night: Montagu Music Society 10.10.15 – Louise Howlett and Albert Combrink


Music of the Night: Montagu Music Society 10.10.15 – Louise Howlett and Albert Combrink

A recital of arias and artsongs held at the old Nederduits Gereformeerde Zendingkerk , now one of the main museums in Montagu. The concert was presented by the Montagu Music Society and hosted by Chairman Andrea Susan Cook

The Montagu Music Society has been in existence since the 1980’s. The Society normally arranges four concerts a year given by both local and overseas musicians

My longstanding partner in crime - we put together programmes in various genres, from <a href= [read more…]

Music of the Night: Montagu Music Society 10.10.15 – Louise Howlett and Albert Combrink2015-10-12T11:03:22+02:00
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