15 March 2016 – 18:00 for 18:30

HQ Restaurant, 100 Shortmarket Street

Students from the Kim Kallie Performance Academy present an ensemble of pieces selected to showcase their growing abilities and technique. Following on last year’s success, we promise you an evening of great entertainement, talent and fun!

Tickets: R150* each, including a light snack

Tickets are limited to 150, on a first come first served basis. Don’t delay and lose out!


There will be a cash bar available, and those who would like to stay on for dinner are welcome to make reservations in the restaurant – complimentary dessert is on us!

021 424 6373

Working together with Albert Combrink, Kim uses uses her considerable experience as a performer, artist and songwriter, to identify, nurture and develop talent in aspiring performers.

*Ticket prices go towards covering our considerable costs for the night. We appreciate your support! Thank you to our additional sponsors.