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The Oude Libertas Theatre Gala Concert compiled by maestro Richard Cock presents a wide range of music to appeal to all music lovers. The Cape Town Festival Orchestra will perform aprogramme including popular South African Steinway artist, pianist Charl duPlessis performing re-invented arrangements of many classical favourites: Works on the programme will include orchestral favourites by Kreisler- Liebesleid and Schön Rosemarin performed by Lucia Di Blasio Scott. In addition to the lush orchestral sounds that will sweep the audience away, Du Plessis will feature new arrangements of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumble Bee, Spring from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Dvorak’s New World Piano Concerto.The programme will also include a rousing performance tribute to Beethoven (born 250 years ago) and it will end with a participatory surprise!As always Richard Cock will entertain and beguile the audience with his humorous stories about the music. This tailor-made concert will inspire and enthuse the Oude Libertas audience.
Die Oude Libertasteater se jaarlikse galakonsert, saamgestel deur maestro Richard Cock, bied `n wye verskeidenheid musiek om in alle musiekliefhebbers se smaak te val. Die Cape Town FestivalOrchestra se program sluit bekende Suid-Afrikaanse pianis Charl du Plessis in, met nuwe verwerkings van etlike klassieke gunstelinge: Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumble Bee, Spring from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Dvorak’s New World Piano Concerto. Daar word ook ‘n huldeblyke aan Beethoven (gebore 250 jare gelede) ingesluit waar die gehoor se deelname ‘n verrassing sal wees!
Auf vielfachen Wunsch, des Publikums bietet Maestro Richard Cock und das Cape Town FestivalOrchester ein ganz tolles Program mit Charl du Plessis am Klavier: Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumble Bee, Frühling von Vivaldi’s Four Seasons und Dvorak’s New World Piano Concerto. Das Program bietet auch Musik von Beethoven (geboren vor 250 Jahren) mit Publikum Teilnahme mit einer Überraschung!
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