The Trio de Musique presents an afternoon of music by Beethoven and Brahms. Lieder of Brahms and the well-known “Ghost” Trio of Beethoven will be intermingled with historical information about the music as well as letters by composers presented by the trio, made up of Thomas de Bruin, Ariella Ciara and Albert Combrink

Accompanying the beloved music in an intimate setting, Andries from “Sweet Petals – Cape Town” will treat the audience with his homemade refreshments, which are included in the price.

Welgemeend (a farmhouse in the city on a property that’s more than 300 years old) houses the Boerneef Collection of South African art. The art wont be available for the audience to see, however August is their Art Month and the exhibition that will be open for the audience is SATIRE & IRONY from the Kilbourn, Bloch and Podlashuc Collections. If not at the concert, a ticket to this exhibition will be R50 but for our audience its free!

Doors open at 12:30 and concert starts at 13:00


If you know Beethoven’s life, you will know some of the “ghosts” of his life (as I guess we all have them..). And playing his “Ghost” trio, exploring the darker world of the “otherworldly”, brings us, the performer and listener, closer to Beethoven’s ability to paint with music or “enlarge” the meanings of his music. “Fear and otherworldly, as in the minor-mode slow movement of the “Ghost” trio.”

This is a wash drawing of Beethoven’s last apartment’s study (made just after Beethoven’s death in 1827).

Joachim and Amalie. Brahms dedicated the 2 lieder, Op. 91, to them. “A sacred cradle song” and “Assuaged longing”.