Woordfees 2013 logo

“Heaven and Earth” is the latest production by the multi-faceted duo of soprano Louise Howlett and pianist Albert Combrink. The programme will tell the stories of sacred love to earthy desire through classical arias, songs and Broadway ballads from around the world – proving the greatest language of love is music. This forms part of the Woordfees. Tickets are available from Computicket and at the door.

Louise Howlett (sopraan) en Albert Combrink (klavier)

Hierdie jongste produksie deur die veelfasettige duo vertel verhale van heilige liefde en aardse romanse deur klassieke arias, liedere en Broadway-ballades van regoor die wêreld. Dit bewys nogmaals dat musiek die grootste taal van die liefde is.

WHEN: Saturday 2 March 2013.

WHERE: Fismer Hall, Stellenbosch Konservatorium

WHAT TIME: 14:30

HOW MUCH: R110 /R80


View Map and get DIRECTIONS HERE

View the Full Festival Programme HERE.

Albert Combrink Louise Howlett Hemel & Aarde
