Rose Red Poster ALbert Combrink Dianne Simpson

Rose Red

Cabaret | Run­ning Time: 60 mins
Cre­ated by Dianne Simp­son & Pieter Bosch Botha | Directed by Pieter Bosch Botha | Writ­ten and Per­formed by Dianne Simp­son | Musi­cal Direc­tion by Dawid Boverhoff / Piano Accompaniment by Albert Combrink
Rose Red is the well-known fairy tale of Snow White turned on its head, as told through the eyes of the Evil Queen. Aimed at adults, this musi­cal pro­duc­tion is a wickedly fun, orig­i­nal and mov­ing take on her story. It is clev­erly woven together with light-hearted com­edy and pop­u­lar songs from Tori Amos, Annie Lennox and Brandi Carlile to Lady Gaga. This highly acclaimed per­for­mance by Dianne Simp­son has been hailed as “a first-class performance…with per­fect tim­ing and often very funny asides…an hour of finely honed enter­tain­ment that touches the heart”.

The show is directed and pro­duced by Pieter Bosch Botha, who was most recently seen in the crit­i­cally acclaimed “Fully Com­mit­ted” and Nicholas Spagnoletti’s “Civil Part­ing”. Musi­cal direc­tion is by the inim­itable and multi-talented com­poser and musi­cian, Dawid Bover­hoff. Pianist for the run is well-known Cape Town pianist and cross-over artist, Albert Combrink.

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Thu 6th Mar 9pm
Fri 7th Mar 9pm
Sat 8th Mar 9pm

Mon 10th Mar 9pm

Wed 12th Mar 9pm
Thu 13th Mar 9pm
Fri 14th Mar 9pm
Sat 15th Mar 9pm

Dianne Simpson

Dianne Simpson


What the crit­ics have said about Rose Red:

“Simp­son is mag­nif­i­cent, giv­ing a flaw­less per­for­mance as the queen…” – Les­ley Stones, The Daily Mav­er­ick

* * * * “the com­bined tal­ent of the three peo­ple involved adds pow­er­ful punch to this shin­ing gem…sharp and witty…it’s the kind of show that has you smil­ing through­out.” – Diane de Beer, The Star Tonight

“fascinating…fresh and enter­tain­ing.” – Christina Kennedy, Busi­ness Day

“a lay­ered, thought-provoking, witty and ulti­mately (and unex­pect­edly) mov­ing exam­i­na­tion of a well– known and much-maligned lit­er­ary character…cleverly con­structed stuff that never set­tles for the obvi­ous, play­ing for laughs out­let (although there are many very funny moments).” – Bruce Den­nill, The Cit­i­zen

“a touch of mad bril­liance” —

“a treat.…Simpson’s Queen has got more edge.….a lot of fun.…a deli­ciously dark romp” — Cape Times

“Rose Red packs as much laugh­ter in the punch­lines as you’d prob­a­bly find in a pro­duc­tion for kids. Light and dark­ness as a metaphor for life is used quite bril­liantly. …really funny… Pow­er­ful.” — Cape Argus

“Dianne Simp­son was captivating….faultless” — City Press

Dianne Simpson

Dianne Simpson

“Cape Times Arts” review of th Cape Town run at Alexander Bar:

review Rose Red