Sunnyboy Dladla

Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Auditions, Cape Town 12 & 13 February 2013


Auditions are being held in Cape Town for the 2013 Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival’s Choral Academy and Oratorio Festival. Choristers and soloists are needed to take part in a 6 week programme during June and July 2011, working with a different conductor and coaches on a different Oratorio each week. An international youth choir and soloists of 70 is put together annually through world-wide auditions.

In 2010 there were 9 different concerts that took place throughout Northern Germany. They performed various masses and A Capella programmes and worked [read more…]

Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Auditions, Cape Town 12 & 13 February 20132013-01-04T21:30:54+02:00

Judith Kellock Masterclass at University of Cape Town, 4 August 2009


Prof. Judith Kellock - Cornell University

As part of her recital-tour of South Africa, Prof Judith Kellock, presented Masterclasses at S.A. College of Music at the University of Cape Town. It was a tremendous bonus that Peter Louis van Dijk and myself managed to get this to happen at UCT. At the invitation Prof. Virigina Davids – Head of the Voice Department at the SACM, Miss Kellock worked with students with a large range of skills, of both Under- and Post-Gradute level. Miss Kellock’s class drew substantial interest from faculty and students alike and was [read more…]

Judith Kellock Masterclass at University of Cape Town, 4 August 20092009-08-18T22:23:50+02:00

Rossini’s “La Scala di Seta”: meet the players


LaScala FB sized poster

I have been a repetiteur for many productions, from Operas to Musicals to Cabarets. But I have enjoyed few of them as much as this production conducted by Alex Fokkens and directed by Lara Bye.  The story is delightfully funny and charming. A young couple are in love and already secretly married, and this becomes the engine that drives the farce. I think it is a real “Closet-Opera”: there is always at least one closet on the stage, with always at least one person hiding in [read more…]

Rossini’s “La Scala di Seta”: meet the players2009-06-08T20:59:35+02:00

Some Lyric Tenors


Here are some lyric tenors from the past singing repertoire which Sunnyboy Dladla and I will be presenting on 31 May in our concert,  “Dangerous Liaisons”.

Fritz Wunderlich – Il mio Tesoro from Don Giovanni (M0zart)

More Wunderlich – Ecco Ridente from Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Rossini)

Luigi Alva – Una furtiva Lagrima from L’Elisir d’amore (Donizetti)

Luigi Alva – Quanto e bella from L’Elisir d’amore (Donizetti)

Luigi Alva – Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Rossini)

Juan Diego Florez – Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Rossini)

Juan Diego Florez — Ecco Ridente Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Rossini)

William Matteuzzi – La Scala [read more…]

Some Lyric Tenors2009-05-25T20:17:17+02:00
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