Mesmerising demonstrations helped bring some points across to the group of young singers. Not missing a thing – not a note out of place was passed – her innate kindness and generosity of spirit just shone through.
Judy Page, sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience. What joy to work with someone whom I admire so much! Slim and supple as ever, her energy and dedication is an inspiration.
The brave young ladies who took part in the demanding and gruelling session. A very talented group, who took ciriticism and guidance in their stride.
It might seem strange to hold a session like this with THREE people giving input. But we worked incredibly well together, each person bringing their own expertise and experience.
What an exciting, exhausting, intense, high-energy, high-focus class that focussed on real skills.
Providing young performers with some of the stepping-stones on the path to their dreams.
Not all dreams are about fame and fortune. Some are much simpler than that. Humbling encounters with brave young people.
Read about the Master Class HERE.
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