
CPO Musicians Play Chamber Music: Erin Hall 22 Sept 2019


Meet musicians from the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra in a unique new series supported by the CPO and Cape Town Concert Series. This is a perfect concert for those curious about getting to know classical music and musicians better.

Musicians from the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing in the second of a unique new series supported by the CPO and the Cape Town Concert Series. The concert was devised to offer a performance platform to the musicians, many of whom do not have the chance to perform chamber music [read more…]

CPO Musicians Play Chamber Music: Erin Hall 22 Sept 20192019-07-22T18:16:07+02:00

Narrative Ensembles performs works of Antony Costandius 15 Sept 2019


Various original works will be performed, namely “The Portals of Catedral de Orihuela”, “Some rooms in an empty house”, Nocturne for Viola and Piano”, “The travels of Frank”, “10 Vignettes for Flute, Cello and Piano”, “Three conversations for Contrabass and Piano”, “Night – Visitors from the garden and other dark places”, “Tango, sweet Tango” and an encore.

Tickets @ R150 CASH each, only available at the door as from 15:00.


Narrative Ensembles performs works of Antony Costandius 15 Sept 20192019-07-12T18:51:53+02:00

Blues in the Night on Broadway – 11 August 4.30pm Erin Hall


Cape Town songbird Louise Howlett and her longtime musical partner Albert Combrink (piano), team up again with musical whizz-kids Dylan Tabisher (Percussion) and Charl Clayton (Saxophone) to bring you “Blues in the Night on Broadway”. This Jazz and Broadway show has sold out many times at Alexander Bar and the SuidOoster Fees two years in a row.

As always, Louise blends a narative into a beguiling playlist of familiar favourites from the Blues era – paying tribute to some of the great female ladies of jazz – to more modern [read more…]

Blues in the Night on Broadway – 11 August 4.30pm Erin Hall2019-07-05T16:57:40+02:00

PAWS Fundraiser: Trio de Musique, 7 September 2019 Ouland Royale, Plettenberg Bay


Another evening of Glorious Music with Trio de Musique 

Event Date: 07 September, 2019


PAWS are happy to announce their fourth Glorious Music Concert, which will take place on Saturday 7 September. The talented and popular Trio de Musique from Cape Town can’t wait to return to Plett to delight us with a new repertoire of marvelous music.

Date: Sat 7th Spetember 2019
Time: 18:30 (concert starts at 19:15)
Venue: Ouland Royale, Airport Road
Tickets: R250.00 ea
Bookings: Marsja Hall-Green 073 645 9476 or [read more…]

PAWS Fundraiser: Trio de Musique, 7 September 2019 Ouland Royale, Plettenberg Bay2019-07-05T14:23:58+02:00

Book Launch: The La Traviata Affair – Opera in the Age of Apartheid 10.09.19


You are invited to the book launch of ‘The La Traviata Affair – Opera in the Age of Apartheid’ by AOI scholar Hilde Roos.

With music from Verdi’s opera La Traviata and songs by Joseph Manca, performed by Leah Gunterr, Brittany SmithMinette Pearce, Thando Mjandana, Theo Magongoma and Albert Combrink.

8pm Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Center of the Book, 62 Queen Victoria Street,  Cape Town

RSVP by [read more…]

Book Launch: The La Traviata Affair – Opera in the Age of Apartheid 10.09.192019-07-05T14:10:16+02:00

2019 International DEFSA Conference Dinner


2019 International DEFSA Conference Dinner
Granger Bay Hotel School 9 September 2019, 19h00 for 19h30

Music provided by:

Elina Koytcheva (Violin) Albert Combrink (Piano)

2019 International DEFSA Conference

Designed Futures

Design educators interrogating the future of design knowledge, research and education.

Booking is closed. Please contact for manual bookings or changes.

  • Date: 9-11 September 2019
  • City: Cape Town  *  Hosts: CPUT and Vega
  • Venue: Vega Cape Town Campus 130 Strand St, De Waterkant, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Google Map
  • Workshop: Postgraduate research, building on knowledge 11 September 09h00 – 13h30
  • [read more…]

2019 International DEFSA Conference Dinner2019-07-05T13:58:49+02:00

Silver Mountain Music Festival – RoccoCocko 15 June 2019, 3pm



Richard has put together an eclectic programme as usual, featuring ATKV prize-winner Bongani Kubheka singing powerful pieces, such as the Toreador’s song, Granada and Stars from Les Mis, while Rocco de Villiers in “Kort broek en lang kouse” weaves his piano magic with [read more…]
Silver Mountain Music Festival – RoccoCocko 15 June 2019, 3pm2019-06-05T19:40:20+02:00

Hermanus Fynarts 2019 – Spanish Fiesta! – 8 June 2019


Louise Howlett
(Photo: Elzahn Johnson)


Date / Time: 8 June 19:00


Adult: R185
Children: R130
Early Bird: R170
First Five Rows:  R230 / R250

Venue:    Curro School Hall

Duration:   2 hours

Spanish music, like Spanish people, is full of fire and colour. From Carmen to [read more…]

Hermanus Fynarts 2019 – Spanish Fiesta! – 8 June 20192019-06-01T19:30:40+02:00

Trio de Musique presents: “It Takes Three To Tango” – SuidOosterFees, Artscape 2019

Trio de Musique presented a Tango Programme at the 2019 SuidOosterFees. The programme included traditional tango favourites by Gardel and Piazzolla, to more serious classical tangos.

Audiiences were invited to consider the meanings of dance as a metaphor for relating to the world around us, and songs by Afrikaans artists and more well-known balads by Celine Dion and Barbra Streisand were given a Classical- and Tango makeover. A new tango by myself was also premiered at the Festival.
[read more…]
Trio de Musique presents: “It Takes Three To Tango” – SuidOosterFees, Artscape 20192019-04-29T16:08:54+02:00

SuidOosterfees Presents: It Takes Three To Tango – Trio de Musique 28 April 2019, 12.30pm



Trio De Musique: It Takes Three To Tango

  • Ticket Cost – R120

  • Date – Apr 28 2019

  • Time – 12:30-13:30
  • Theatre – Artscape Velvet Room

  • Duration – 60 min

    Elegant arrangements of popular South African songs are interwoven with contemporary hits from the likes of Celine Dion and Barbra Streisand and the music of Astor Piazzolla lends a tango slant.

SuidOosterfees Presents: It Takes Three To Tango – Trio de Musique 28 April 2019, 12.30pm2019-03-25T13:45:59+02:00
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